Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It’s Our America!

An open letter to our Government;

You are on notice; today is the day. The day we say NO more. Election Day November 6Th 2012.

This is our America!  She does not belong to those of you in Government, She does not belong to the President no matter who is in office, She does not belong to our Senators or Congressmen and women, She does not belong to any elected or non elected body. America belongs to us, WE the people and we are coming to take her back.

Today is the day as Americans we will exercise the most precious right we have as Americans, the gift given to us by our founding fathers, the gift of voting that gives us a voice in our own Government, The Republic for which we stand! For the record we are not a Democracy and many of know the difference and we will teach our children this difference and the truth about America and her citizens and what makes her great. We will continue to stop the lies and set American History straight.

No more will we let you tell us we are racist and angry and that God does not have a place in our lives as Americans! No more will we let the media cover up for your lies and disgraceful behaviors. No more will you strip us of our rights in the name of what is good for us or "safe". We the people will decide what is right for us and that includes who is in the office of the Presidency.

We will leave future generations, our Children an America we are proud of! Today is the day we begin to take it back!
This is OUR America!
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