Let The Revolution Begin!
10 days and counting until the most important election of our lifetime! With time running out we still need to work harder than ever to make certain we get every vote we can for our candidates. Grab a friend, a neighbor or a co-worker who normally doesn't vote and take them to the polls with you! We have been in very tight race but now with Romney pulling ahead in the polls we need to stay on high alert as the left is having what can best be described as a meltdown in front of our very eyes! This would be really humorous if it wasnt' so dangerous. The left is anything but honest in situations where they feel they are in control of so as the Presidency is slowly slipping from their grasp I am anticipating we will be treated to more than just their usual bag of voter fraud and trickery.
How sad is it that we have become familiar with such tiresome games of seeing how many dead people and felons the Democrats can get to vote and we have now seen how giving away bottles of vodka can persuade a vote for the party of entitlements. How charming they are and generous too! Is the campaign slogan for socialism now a chicken in every pot and a bottle of booze in every hand? Just when we think they have scraped the bottom of the barrel we find it can and does gets worse! We are looking at something much more nefarious this election day than possibly a hanging chad. According to a recent article in the Hill, http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/263141-international-monitors-at-polling-places-draw-criticism-from-voter-fraud-group
the United Nations affiliate group OSCE, who is known for monitoring elections was asked by Civil Rights groups to monitor polling places across America for voter suppression activities by conservative groups. Interestingly, or should I say predictably the states chosen are those with some of the highest electoral votes, California, Texas, New York and Florida.
Texas, like my wonderful state of Arizona doesn't take well to intimidation by the Obama administration and their goons. The Attorney General of Texas is threatening to file criminal charges against the observers if they dare step foot near their polling places and rightly so. It is after all within the jurisdiction of each state to toss these UN affiliated jesters out onto their back sides so it seems we should not get too worried about their presence. I say maybe we do. With Romney mania (as opposed to Romnesia) starting to get a foothold, the liberal base is looking for new ways to ensure an Obama 2nd term even if Romney should win the election. Shades of Al Gore emerge as I recall a Democratic party temper tantrum of historical proportions! Could it be that these UN flunkies are being sent to set up the basis for calling the election stolen should Romney win? That is really the only reason I can think of since they have no business being here in the first place!
November 6th 2012 will prove to be an interesting day in history as we learn the fate of our Nation. Regardless of who wins, the battle will still rage on and we need every American awake and engaged. One thing is certain, we have much work to do to return to the greatness we all are longing for. Pray hard and pray often.
Amen, Sister!!
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